In the bustling heart of Shibuya, four young women—an artist, a retired idol, a V-tuber, and a composer—form JELEE, an anonymous artist group. United in their quest for self-expression, they…
The world can be healed through music, and these three girls want to make it happen. Meet Kana Fujii, Reimi Itsushiro, and Hibiki Morishima—three healers-in-training at the Karasuma Phoniatric Clinic…
Filled with rage against spirits known as tsukumogami, Kunato Hyoma is sent to live with Nagatsuki Botan to help him see a different side. Though both are part of a…
Every day is a surprise at Seabrook High—whether you’re a cheerleader, a zombie, a werewolf or even a vampire! The series invites us into the daily lives of Zed, Addison,…
Haruka Sakura wants nothing to do with weaklings—he’s only interested in the strongest of the strong. He’s just started at Furin High School, a school of degenerates known only for…
A desperate father, alongside a tenacious cop, battles his own demons on the streets of 1980s New York as he searches for his missing nine-year-old son.
The Filipino version of “Running Man” has successfully captured the essence of the original while adding its own cultural twists. This adaptation brings together famous Filipino celebrities who take on…
Mark leads a team of office workers whose memories have been surgically divided between their work and personal lives. When a mysterious colleague appears outside of work, it begins a…