Adult animated series of original short stories which are set within the worlds of beloved video games. Each episode serves as a gateway to a new adventure, unlocking exciting worlds…
Murai, a peculiar high school boy, is in love with his otaku teacher Tanaka. However, Tanaka rejects him, saying that she would never be interested in a boy with long,…
Cacau is an engaging saga of family secrets, clandestine loves and sacrifices, all sweetened by the irresistible taste of chocolate and the magic of cocoa plantations.
After a long day, high schooler Shintaro Tokumitsu’s plans for relaxing in his studio apartment take a turn when he discovers an angel on his balcony. The divine girl, Towa,…
When police officer Nikki Batista’s son goes missing, she joins the Philadelphia Police Department’s Missing Person’s Unit (MPU) to help other people find their loved ones, even as she searches…
Yoshino’s engagement is far from a dream come true. Her grandfather, head of the largest yakuza group in Kansai, has arranged her marriage to Kirishima, grandson of the Miyama Clan…
First there was Father Brown. Now, say hello to Sister Boniface. This clever, moped-riding nun is the police’s secret weapon for solving murders in this divine Father Brown spin-off.
A high school teacher in Austin tries to balance the competing demands of the students and their parents in a world where the rules seem to change every day.
Gu Yizhong, a scion of the Gu family in Suzhou, returns to China after completing his studies in the Architecture Department at the University of Pennsylvania. When the war breaks…
In a mysterious primeval land populated by dinosaurs and other extinct creatures, people from throughout human history have been resurrected. When 21st century Australian paleontologist Helena Walker awakes there after…