The story revolves around two detectives who investigate mysterious incidents in a village. The drama will reinterpret those events and the characters in the book to match Korean sentiments and…
Imagine a world populated by beautiful, fit and vain vampires. Reginald Andres tumbles headlong into it as an unlikely hero who will have to navigate every kind of obstacle –…
Filled with rage against spirits known as tsukumogami, Kunato Hyoma is sent to live with Nagatsuki Botan to help him see a different side. Though both are part of a…
Deal or No Deal is a South African version of the international television game show created by John de Mol for Endemol Netherlands in which the core idea in all…
At an elite Washington, D.C.-adjacent university, two ruthless step-siblings will do anything to stay on top of the cutthroat social hierarchy. After a brutal hazing incident threatens the entire Greek…