Amazing Night is an original new comedy variety show jointly produced by Tencent Video and Mi Wei. Huang Bo, Qin Hao, Jia Bing, Gao Yuanyuan, Ma Dong, Jin Jing, Song…
Fifteen years after being stranded on a remote island, an aspiring singer reenters society — stopping at nothing to pursue her dream of becoming a diva.
Padyak Princess (transl: Tramp Princess) is an upcoming Philippine drama and comedy series broadcast by TV5 Director by Easy Ferrer it stars Miles Ocampo in the title role. It premiered…
Gordon Ramsay gets down to business with a select group of food and drink industry professionals, as he searches for the next greatest culinary entrepreneur; Ramsay presents the winner with…
Li Lian Hua is a countryside doctor who travels dragging around a lotus tower. He accidentally becomes “famous” and gets pulled into the pugilistic world that he no longer wants…
In any given year, more than 600,000 people are reported missing in the U.S. Of these reported cases, more than half of the missing people are people of color, too…
Robai Private Academy is a well-known girls’ junior high school in the countryside. Komichi Akebi is a girl who, for a certain reason, has dreamed of wearing a Robai Academy…
With their old hideout and bosses wiped out, the surviving Dusters make a secret agreement with the Ranger Force to engage in the weekly Sunday Showdown – one where they…