“Dream City” is an urban drama co-directed by Dong Fulai and Bo Lin, starring Yang Shuo and Jiang Xin, and starring Cheng Taishen, Li Yixiao, Zhou Fang, Wu Qijiang, Xu…
It’s 2008. A news story connects Malena, 22, with her traumatic past. In 2004, she attended a rock concert at the República de Cromañón venue, where a fire broke out,…
A whip-smart doctor comes to the U.S. for a medical treatment to save her ailing son. But when the system fails and pushes her into hiding, she refuses to be…
The continuing story of Peacemaker – a compellingly vainglorious man who believes in peace at any cost, no matter how many people he has to kill to get it –…
When aristocratic Eddie inherits the family estate, he discovers that it’s home to an enormous weed empire — and its proprietors aren’t going anywhere.
After her successful career in Chicago, Elsbeth Tascioni, an astute but unconventional attorney, utilizes her singular point of view to make unique observations and corner brilliant criminals alongside the NYPD.
Jian Bing is a well-known advertising director in the industry, while Sheng Yang is a newcomer just entering society. They meet by chance at a restaurant—a recently divorced woman and…
The love story of Rick Grimes and Michonne is changed by a changed world. Kept apart by distance. By an unstoppable power. Can they find each other and who they…
Star pitcher Haruka Kiyomine and skilled catcher Kei Kaname were an unstoppable duo—until Kei was hit with a curveball: amnesia. Now they have a second chance to play at a…
Justin Russo has chosen to lead a normal, mortal life with his family, Giada, Roman and Milo. But when Justin’s sister Alex brings Billie to his home seeking help, Justin…