“Hit It Off” is a captivating reality show that pairs up actors to undergo intensive training and enhance their acting skills. Over a dozen talented young actors coexist in a…
After a long day, high schooler Shintaro Tokumitsu’s plans for relaxing in his studio apartment take a turn when he discovers an angel on his balcony. The divine girl, Towa,…
Hailing from a prestigious noble house, Dali Delico is an elite member of the Blood Pact Council, the highest governing body of the Vamps. Yet, Dali flatly refuses a mission…
When the world’s largest cattle station is left without a clear heir, rival factions descend as a fierce generational struggle upends the land’s future.
How do you solve a murder in a post-fact world? Especially when sailing the Mediterranean on an ocean liner filled with the wealthy and powerful. Everyone on board is hiding…
A horrific murder upends the Chicago Prosecuting Attorney’s Office when one of its own is suspected of the crime—leaving the accused fighting to keep his family together.
The Batwheels are a team of sentient super-powered crimefighting vehicles that help Batman, Robin and Batgirl—as well as a host of additional DC Super Heroes—keep Gotham City safe. Created only…