A young orphan named Biwa is taken in by the powerful Taira Clan—also known as the Heike—after their leader witnesses her extraordinary psychic abilities. Unfortunately, what she predicts is a…
Karl Alberg moves to a quiet coastal town to soothe a psyche that has been battered by big-city police work but finds himself needing to call upon all his skills…
Tsuyoshi Mukohda, an ordinary salaryman, is suddenly transported to another world one day. The unique skill he gains upon arrival in this world is the seemingly useless “Online Grocery.” Mukohda…
Across the globe, strange happenings, borne out of the oceans, are mystifying and imperiling the world’s population. A group of scientists undertakes a terrifying mission to the depths of the…
Yuuichi Katagiri believes that friends are more important than money, but he also knows the hardships of not having enough funds. He works hard to save up in order to…
When police officer Nikki Batista’s son goes missing, she joins the Philadelphia Police Department’s Missing Person’s Unit (MPU) to help other people find their loved ones, even as she searches…
In 17th century England, Mary Villiers molds her beautiful son, George, to seduce King James I, intending to gain riches and influence through outrageous schemes.