In a world where humans coexist with androids called Neans, a group known as the Immortal Nine rises up against society. Tasked with disposing of the revolters, a Nean named…
Xilin is a dancer who becomes paralyzed after an accident. Her dreams are dashed, and her family is no longer as harmonious. With the support of Tianqing, a paraswimmer who…
The series, full of intrigue, love, tension and excitement, tells the shocking story of Şebnem, who came to life with great injustices, worked hard to overcome them, did what was…
It’s 2008. A news story connects Malena, 22, with her traumatic past. In 2004, she attended a rock concert at the República de Cromañón venue, where a fire broke out,…
Twenty-somethings Clark Kent, the bright and driven Lois Lane, and their best friend Jimmy Olsen begin to discover who they are and everything they can accomplish together as an investigative…
Wednesday Addams is sent to Nevermore Academy, a bizarre boarding school where she attempts to master her psychic powers, stop a monstrous killing spree of the town citizens, and solve…
In 1969, an ambitious woman aspires to cross the line between the haves and have-nots to secure her seat at America’s most exclusive, fashionable, and treacherous table: Palm Beach high…
Once upon a time in a beautiful yet mysterious country, there lived three sisters named Türkan, Dönüş, and Derya. As a close-knit family, they would dream of a promising future…