Outside the magical barriers lies a world overrun by fiery beasts known as Flame Demons, and the only ones who can protect humanity are the Fire Hunters. In the dark…
A young girl is forced to marry a rich groom. The groom is not only rich, but also allows himself to live without any restrictions or obligations. Will married life…
An affair threatens the lives of Dan Gallagher and his wife, Beth, in this deep-dive reimagining of the classic psychosexual thriller which explores fatal attraction and the timeless themes of…
Bayron City — a Mega-Float type city in the Pacific Ocean, which doesn’t belong to any particular nation. As the mine for Orgonium, a new energy resource, this city is…
Starring Mimi Lana, a disillusioned journalist stumbles across an old polaroid camera showing pictures of tragic events from the future. Teaming up with a group of vigilantes, she embarks on…
The drama series depicts the life of Tokugawa Ieyasu (January 31, 1543 – June 1, 1616). Takechiyo (who later becomes Tokugawa Ieyasu) was born as the son of a poor…