Set in the fictional town of Kamurocho, the story unfolds across two intersecting timelines—1995 and 2005. In 1995, four friends eager to escape their restrictive lives in an orphanage dive…
Bayron City — a Mega-Float type city in the Pacific Ocean, which doesn’t belong to any particular nation. As the mine for Orgonium, a new energy resource, this city is…
There is an ancient prophecy shared amongst the kingdoms of Chikyu- 2,000 years after their fall, the Territorial Empire Bugnarok will once again rise up to kill all humans. However,…
Ates, one of the most famous basketball players in the country, and his wife Deniz are happily married. As Ates’s name gets involved in a big scandal, their lives are…
Starring Mimi Lana, a disillusioned journalist stumbles across an old polaroid camera showing pictures of tragic events from the future. Teaming up with a group of vigilantes, she embarks on…
It’s a tale of reinvention, betrayal, redemption, and love with a twist. Jack Dawkins is The Artful Dodger, whose pickpocketing fingers have become the skilled hands of a surgeon. He…
Snapshot of the sophisticated and exclusive gay nightlife of one of the most emblematic clubs in 1980s’ Mexico City, where people living under the weight of a repressive society that…
Five years after the death of schoolgirl Andie Bell, Pippa Fitz-Amobi sets out to uncover what really happened to her. Sal Singh, Andie’s boyfriend, admitted to the murder before taking…
In Japan in the year 1600, at the dawn of a century-defining civil war, Lord Yoshii Toranaga is fighting for his life as his enemies on the Council of Regents…
Touka always faded into the background at school. And when he’s summoned to another world with his classmates, that still doesn’t change! They all acquire top-rank skills, except Touka, who’s…