“Dream City” is an urban drama co-directed by Dong Fulai and Bo Lin, starring Yang Shuo and Jiang Xin, and starring Cheng Taishen, Li Yixiao, Zhou Fang, Wu Qijiang, Xu…
Jiro, who makes his living hunting beasts, encounters Kuumi, who is on the run, and saves her. As rumors spread regarding humanity and a mysterious experiment, they seek to discover…
Catarina embarks on a dangerous journey to find who made her mother vanish. The Torres family seems to be the obvious suspect, but within them there’s Vasco, the love of…
A teenage rabbit aspiring to become a real samurai teams up with new warrior friends to protect their city from Yokai monsters, ninjas and evil aliens.
The three daughters of Xiang Zhijun live in Shanghai, Kunshan, and Suzhou. Xiang Qian, 35, is established in her career; Xiang Zhong, 31, is actively pursuing her goals; and Xiang…
Worried about her reputation, Hime covers shifts for a cafe manager she accidentally injures to maintain her picture-perfect princess image. But this cafe has a peculiar theme—private school. To put…
The beauty assistant Natsume is forced to do pair sales with his junior Sahashi. Sahashi, who doesn’t take Natsume or his work seriously, overtook him in sales and annoys Natsume…
Writer Aob-On faces accusations of plagiarism from top online novelist Chan and his attempts to clear his name are thwarted when evidence vanishes and Chan refuses to engage. This deepens…