Set in the fictional town of Kamurocho, the story unfolds across two intersecting timelines—1995 and 2005. In 1995, four friends eager to escape their restrictive lives in an orphanage dive…
Dating coach Bo-ra, whose relationship is failing, and prickly publisher Su-hyeok team up to save Bo-ra’s love life for the sake of her upcoming book about dating. The collaboration results…
When mysterious alien spheres start invading the world, high school students are called upon to join the world’s first war against extraterrestrial forces.
The events take place in a historical context, in the 11th century, where the leader of the Assassins, Hassan al-Sabah, and his leadership of the band that was famous for…
Prince Lloyd wasn’t always a prince…in fact, his previous life is one he remembers perfectly: he was a sorcerer, of sorts. So when he was forced to reincarnate, he decided…
Two centuries have passed since a hero defeated the evil Jaryu and saved the world. In one of the many dungeon cities, Raust, a healer scorned and cast out of…