The series follows the adventures of Ivandoe , the young prince of the forest whose father, The Mighty Stag, sends him on a quest for the magical Golden Feather of…
The series is adapted from the ancient-style detective work of the comic artist RC, titled “White Cat Legend,” and it tells the story of the mysterious new Assistant Minister of…
Nanakusa is a vampire. That’s okay with human Ko. He wants to be one too. But transformation doesn’t come that easily… When Nazuna invites Ko to spend the night at…
Unexpected excitement charging romance between Ji-hwan, a big build former gang member who has cleared his dark past, and Eun-ha a mini woman who plays with children for her job.
Sherri Shepherd, actress, comic, and Emmy Award-winning longtime co-host of “The View”, appears before a live audience with a daily dose of pop culture, comedy, conversations, and daytime talk staples,…
Once upon a time in a beautiful yet mysterious country, there lived three sisters named Türkan, Dönüş, and Derya. As a close-knit family, they would dream of a promising future…
When book-loving Lady Elianna spots Prince Christopher—her betrothed in name only—consorting with another noble lady, she realizes the recent rumors must be true. The prince has someone he truly loves,…
Willis Wu, a background character trapped in a police procedural, tries to find his way into the larger story–and along the way discovers secrets about the strange world he inhabits…
The Targaryen dynasty is at the absolute apex of its power, with more than 15 dragons under their yoke. Most empires crumble from such heights. In the case of the…
Hoping for a better future, grade eleven student Zen is working hard to compete for a scholarship to lift himself out of poverty. That hope is threatened when news about…