Set between the Kamakura and Muromachi periods, during the Kenmu Restoration, the story follows the tale of Hojo Tokiyuki, a boy on the run after his family is overthrown by…
After he witnesses his father’s murder at the family dojo, Ryo Hazuki dedicates his life to finding the man responsible — a mission that takes him from the streets of…
Jian Bing is a well-known advertising director in the industry, while Sheng Yang is a newcomer just entering society. They meet by chance at a restaurant—a recently divorced woman and…
Guan Yu, who was a soldier, has a meticulous mind, rigorous style, and extremely hard physical and mental quality. He has solved numerous major and small cases. From a simple…
A young man rises to be one of the biggest outlaws in the neighborhood while he navigates his way in life to survive in Quiapo. Hoping to earn the affection…
Narcotics Enforcement Agent Riko Ikazuchi is undercover with her junior colleague Noma in an apartment that serves as the hideout for a criminal organization. Despite Riko and Noma posing as…
The story revolves around two detectives who investigate mysterious incidents in a village. The drama will reinterpret those events and the characters in the book to match Korean sentiments and…
Red Sun is a family drama that tells stories of courage, sacrifice, and hardships that every Filipino family has. These stories were inspired by the tales of the unsung heroes…