Outside the magical barriers lies a world overrun by fiery beasts known as Flame Demons, and the only ones who can protect humanity are the Fire Hunters. In the dark…
A student’s death causes a scandal at the prestigious Northford High. Investigations conclude it was a suicide. The victim’s twin sister thinks otherwise. As she searches for truth, she will…
High school freshman Hotaru Hinase has a vibrant life full of family and friendship, but not much luck in romance. That all changes when she makes a warm gesture to…
The Arnold Academy of Magic is a school for the elite…and Ray White is just your ordinary guy. In fact, he doesn’t seem particularly skilled with magic at all, and…
A small town is forever changed when a mysterious machine appears, promising to reveal everyone’s true potential. Soon residents start changing jobs, rethinking relationships, and questioning long-held beliefs—all in pursuit…
Through the points of view of the six people closest to him, the story of the unsolved murder of Mexican TV host Paco Stanley in 1999 is revealed behind the…