The series is adapted from the ancient-style detective work of the comic artist RC, titled “White Cat Legend,” and it tells the story of the mysterious new Assistant Minister of…
“Mystery in the Box” is an all-star immersive drama suspense variety show. Huang Lei serves as a variety show producer for the first time, creating a variety show version of…
After a nervous breakdown derailed Jocelyn’s last tour, she’s determined to claim her rightful status as the greatest and sexiest pop star in America. Her passions are reignited by Tedros,…
The clever and decisive Liu Miantang, as the first lord of Mount Yang, led the people of Mount Yang to punish the wicked, promote goodness, and uphold justice. However, she…
A student’s death causes a scandal at the prestigious Northford High. Investigations conclude it was a suicide. The victim’s twin sister thinks otherwise. As she searches for truth, she will…
After having her life course changed by a fake image and losing her childhood sweetheart to greed and power, Brisa, a strong woman, will struggle to rebuild her journey, raise…
Zhang Chulan, an ordinary young man, gets entangled in an unprecedented world of “outsiders” when his grandfather’s body mysteriously disappears. Facing unexpected pursuit from the Sinister Pleasure, a relentless organization,…
A romantic family drama about a divorced couple who broke up 30 years ago out of hate, reuniting as in-laws through their children and overcoming long overdue conflicts and enmity.
When stuntman Bunny recruits struggling actress Honey for a side gig, they are hurled into a high-stakes world of action, espionage and betrayal. Years later, as their dangerous past catches…
Variety music show that finds fantastic cover stages performed by top artists whose voices are business cards in a stage with a 99% synchronization rate created by AI.