The anime is set in the birthplace of the popular card game Rush Duel, Mutsuba-cho. Twins Yūhi and Yuamu run UTS (Uchūjin Trouble Sōdansho or Alien Trouble Consulting), a group…
“Trade War” is a drama series that revolves around the theme of business intrigues, portraying the complexities of human nature and negotiation strategies in the business world filled with sex,…
Always around but never seen, these unsung protectors of the nation are continuously working towards India’s protection behind the façade of being common folks. Starring Divyanka Tripathi and Eijaz Khan,…
The two amnesiac youths, Yue Jinzhao and Yue Qi, have been wandering the land in search of their identities and pasts, only for Yue Qi to lose all of her…
CNN anchor Chris Wallace, one of the most highly-respected journalists of our time, moves outside of politics to explore his wide range of interests across the spectrum of news, sports,…
A rescue medical team and volunteers, including actress Qin Fei, head to a disaster area in southwest China. Initially doubted for her motives, Qin Fei proves herself by risking her…