The story reimagines Yoshiko Tsushima, the school idol afflicted with chuunibyou (adolescent delusions of grandeur), as a magical girl. The story is set in Numazu, a scenic harbor town surrounded…
It is about the striking events that develop after the marriage of Doğa and Fatih, the children of two families with different cultures, in a lightning marriage.
In ancient times, humans, gods, and demons lived together, and the three kingdoms of Shennong, Xuanyuan, and Gaoxin stood together. Jiuyao (Xiaoyao) has gone through a hundred years of suffering,…
Set against the complex tapestry of Hong Kong residents, a multifaceted group of women sets off a chain of life-altering events that leaves everyone navigating the intricate balance between blame…
As a professional billiards player, Yin Guo has become quite a notable athlete. After receiving an invitation to play in a tournament in Hel, Yin Guo eagerly accepts. Little does…
Adult animated series of original short stories which are set within the worlds of beloved video games. Each episode serves as a gateway to a new adventure, unlocking exciting worlds…
“Unknown” is a mysterious enemy that suddenly appeared a long time ago. As a countermeasure, the “Evolutionary Railway Development Agency” (ERDA) has developed the “Shinkalion” robot that transform into bullet…