Hikaru’s ordinary middle school life takes a thrilling turn when he encounters Alma, an alien entity resembling a mechanized limb called Mecha-Ude. Alma, a member of a rare species, is…
Follow a dysfunctional team of MI5 agents—and their obnoxious boss, the notorious Jackson Lamb—as they navigate the espionage world’s smoke and mirrors to defend England from sinister forces.
In a world where humans triumphed in a great war, Kai guards sealed crypts containing their enemies. But when “World Rebirth” overwrites history, he’s thrust into an alternate reality where…
Xiang Tingdong, heir to a prestigious medical family in Tangcheng, falls into a coma after an argument with his fiancée, Cheng Che. Desperate to save the family, Cheng Che seeks…
MLC Millennials Logistics China, based in Hong Kong’s Greater Bay Area, grew rapidly under Chiu Hoi’s leadership. Prioritizing people over profit, Chiu Hoi focuses on reliable service and employee well-being….
Ai-oon is the disappointing twin of successful and beloved Ob-oom. They aren’t close. On Ob-oom’s wedding night, she takes Ai-oon aside and makes a request of her. Ob-oon and her…
A young orphan named Biwa is taken in by the powerful Taira Clan—also known as the Heike—after their leader witnesses her extraordinary psychic abilities. Unfortunately, what she predicts is a…
Special Agent Will Trent was abandoned at birth and endured a harsh coming-of-age in Atlanta’s overwhelmed foster care system. Determined to make sure no one feels as he did, he…