The workplace comedy’s story follows a 26-year-old office worker named Momose. He recently changed jobs after his previous boss harassed him. He’s worried his new boss will also use power…
Ji Xing, a technical talent who works diligently in a technology company, resigned resolutely in order to realize her dream and embarked on the road of entrepreneurship. The team formed…
Arjen Lubach dives through the issues of the day past inspiring guests to the bottom of the news. Everyone always wants to go from the issues of the day to…
The lobby manager, Tu Xiaoning, who works on the first floor of Huayuan Tower, is in a crucial period of probation. Ji Yuheng, a talented young man working on the…
After twenty years abroad, Pedro returns to Colombia and once again falls in love with the wrong woman. Fernanda is his son’s boss and future mother-in-law, which puts Junior’s rising…
Busy with work and having no romance for many years, Pony and her college friends Xiao Zhi and A Xuan explore what kind of relationship they want. By recording her…
Milan, 2030: Diana Cavalieri is a double agent for the secret syndicate Citadel, who infiltrated Manticore, the rival agency that destroyed Citadel eight years ago. Trapped behind enemy lines, Diana…
Follow the story of Mickey Bolitar after the death of his father leads him to start a new life in suburban New Jersey. When another new student disappears, Mickey finds…