“Dream City” is an urban drama co-directed by Dong Fulai and Bo Lin, starring Yang Shuo and Jiang Xin, and starring Cheng Taishen, Li Yixiao, Zhou Fang, Wu Qijiang, Xu…
High school freshman Hotaru Hinase has a vibrant life full of family and friendship, but not much luck in romance. That all changes when she makes a warm gesture to…
Asahi, a boy who loves video games is killed in a traffic accident and ends up in another world. He tries to enjoy the otherworldly adventuring life he’s always dreamed…
Unexpected excitement charging romance between Ji-hwan, a big build former gang member who has cleared his dark past, and Eun-ha a mini woman who plays with children for her job.
Masaki Fujiyoshi is a stay-at-home spouse and parent. He has fought long and hard with feelings of being a burden to his loving husband, Hiromu, due to his status as…
Joanna finds an unidentified man dead in a lift in a underground car park after a devastating flood, police assumes that he became trapped as the waters rose, but she…
After Bon accidentally intervenes in a Time Patrol case, he must join Agent Ream in saving innocent lives from the past — while watching history unfold.
In the crime-ridden city of Gotham, Amanda Waller, the head of A.R.G.U.S., assembles a group of notorious criminals—Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Peacemaker, Clayface and King Shark—for a mission into an otherworldly…
In a world of idle gods, humans are forced into brain challenges with them. With three defeats, gods lose their right to challenge, while 10 victories spell human triumph. Fay,…