The story follows the sometimes happy, sometimes sad, and a tad stressful daily life of “some sort of small, cute creature” (Nanka Chiisakute Kawaii Yatsu) known as Chiikawa. Chiikawa enjoys…
A year after the Fairy Tail guild has overcome the diabolical forces of Acnologia and Zeref, Natsu and his team trek into the northern continent of Guiltina, where they seek…
Paris, 2009. The true story of the scam of the century. Billions are going up in smoke on the new ‘carbon quotas’ market, invented to fight pollution. A gang of…
Ike is a powerful magician and the leader of the Immortal Brigade, part of the Seventh Corps of the Demon Lord’s Army. He single-handedly conquers fortresses and pushes back the…
As a loyal disciple, Ye Chen dedicated himself to guard the spiritual medicine field for his sect. But, during a fight with enemies, the spiritual field was destroyed. His loyalty…
In the near future, a group of women weave their way into each other’s lives and embark on a thrilling journey, unravelling the mystery of their identity and uncovering a…
Masaki Fujiyoshi is a stay-at-home spouse and parent. He has fought long and hard with feelings of being a burden to his loving husband, Hiromu, due to his status as…
Prim and proper Lady Pin and the naughty but charmingly lovely Princess Anilaphat are brought together by fate and have since grown up together. Will they grow feelings for each…
Relying heavily on recently declassified material and premium cinematic recreations, this series charts a Cold War game of cat and mouse from Vegas to Miami to Havana that pitted Washington’s…
This feisty young wizard will stop at nothing to master the spell that saved her life: Explosion! Megumin, the “Greatest Genius of the Crimson Magic Clan,” has chosen to devote…
The three daughters of Xiang Zhijun live in Shanghai, Kunshan, and Suzhou. Xiang Qian, 35, is established in her career; Xiang Zhong, 31, is actively pursuing her goals; and Xiang…