Adult animated series of original short stories which are set within the worlds of beloved video games. Each episode serves as a gateway to a new adventure, unlocking exciting worlds…
A boys’ school film club is the backdrop for three tales of new romance. Mao and Hisashi pair up for a project, make three promises, and draw closer together in…
A retired govt employee Jagannath Mishra struggles to cope with a sense of loss of purpose in the autumn of his life. But when a young, vulnerable girl with messed…
General of the Three Kingdoms, Kongming had struggled his whole life, facing countless battles that made him into the accomplished strategist he was. So on his deathbed, he wished only…
Cacau is an engaging saga of family secrets, clandestine loves and sacrifices, all sweetened by the irresistible taste of chocolate and the magic of cocoa plantations.
A series of heinous crimes have unsettled a small community. Detective Lois Tryon feels these crimes are eerily personal, as if someone — or something — is taunting her. At…
Set against the complex tapestry of Hong Kong residents, a multifaceted group of women sets off a chain of life-altering events that leaves everyone navigating the intricate balance between blame…
Rishe, the duke’s daughter, is no stranger to reincarnation—it’s her seventh life, after all. Each life restarts at her broken engagement. Having been a merchant, a maid, and a knight,…