The story follows the sometimes happy, sometimes sad, and a tad stressful daily life of “some sort of small, cute creature” (Nanka Chiisakute Kawaii Yatsu) known as Chiikawa. Chiikawa enjoys…
After diving down a rabbit hole of tangled leads, a former bodyguard finds himself recruited to protect the CEO of a controversial lab-grown meat company who is also a survivor…
In a world where magic reigns, Will Serfort can’t cast a spell. Though hardworking, Will’s classmates think less of him for it. However, he has a secret strength: his sword….
To protect her hometown from the Erebonian Empire and to distinguish herself from her grandfather’s disloyalty, Lavie enlists in the Northern Jaegers where she’ll do whatever it takes to carry…
From the moment Máxima Zorreguieta appears at the Dutch crown prince’s side, she finds herself in the spotlight. When Willem-Alexander asks her to marry him, the past catches up with…
So Jin, a genetic researcher who loves DNA, decides to end her relationship with a playboy boyfriend and sets out to find a genetically compatible partner for a happy relationship….