In a world where humans coexist with androids called Neans, a group known as the Immortal Nine rises up against society. Tasked with disposing of the revolters, a Nean named…
Jack Reacher, a veteran military police investigator, has just recently entered civilian life. Reacher is a drifter, carrying no phone and the barest of essentials as he travels the country…
A wrongful conviction changes the life of Alejandro Gaitán and separates him from the woman he loves, Mariana Zambrano. After 17 years in jail, he becomes a count with the…
Beneath the tranquillity of her home town, a detective uncovers dark secrets that threaten everything she thought she knew about consent – and her own life.
Adult animated series of original short stories which are set within the worlds of beloved video games. Each episode serves as a gateway to a new adventure, unlocking exciting worlds…
Shen Zhili embarks on a quest to revive her master using an ancient formula that requires a rare medicinal ingredient. When Su Chenche arrives, Shen Zhili is unexpectedly trapped in…
For Makoto Hanaoka, life’s about to get more complicated. Saki Aoi, a lively girl with loads of confidence, confesses her love for Makoto one day. When he fails to reciprocate,…
A series of heinous crimes have unsettled a small community. Detective Lois Tryon feels these crimes are eerily personal, as if someone — or something — is taunting her. At…
In the heart of London, an anonymous phone call draws two brilliant detectives—a young woman in the early stages of her career and a well-connected man determined to protect his…
Daigo Toake burns with remarkable talent and unparalleled determination. Shun Onoda struggles against the walls blocking his own path. Yuki Nakamura hopes to become one of the few female members…