The story revolves around two detectives who investigate mysterious incidents in a village. The drama will reinterpret those events and the characters in the book to match Korean sentiments and…
Diego de la Vega returns to California to avenge his father’s murder. After assuming the title of Zorro, he confronts the Governor, the malevolent leader of the Chinese community and…
Contestants’ musical memory is challenged, as they get one song closer to winning $1 million if they “Don’t Forget the Lyrics!” Contestants choose songs from different genres, decades and musical…
Dating coach Bo-ra, whose relationship is failing, and prickly publisher Su-hyeok team up to save Bo-ra’s love life for the sake of her upcoming book about dating. The collaboration results…
Louis de Pointe’s epic story of love, blood, and the perils of immortality, as told to the journalist Daniel Molloy. Chafing at the limitations of life as a black man…
The story begins in the summer of 1997, just before the arrival of the famous 12-meter flood wave flooding Wroclaw. – The residents of the “Home under Two Eagles” are…
A high school teacher in Austin tries to balance the competing demands of the students and their parents in a world where the rules seem to change every day.