“Dream City” is an urban drama co-directed by Dong Fulai and Bo Lin, starring Yang Shuo and Jiang Xin, and starring Cheng Taishen, Li Yixiao, Zhou Fang, Wu Qijiang, Xu…
A young orphan named Biwa is taken in by the powerful Taira Clan—also known as the Heike—after their leader witnesses her extraordinary psychic abilities. Unfortunately, what she predicts is a…
Sasaki is a middle-aged office worker living in Japan. Feeling drained by the vapid corporate world, he heads to the pet shop in search of a new companion. There he…
Koshi Torako has everyone fooled. Her classmates see her as the perfect honor student, unaware of her secret delinquent past. But her new picturesque school life is thrown into chaos…
Shocked to discover that her bland and unremarkable computer consultant husband is a skilled international spy, an unfulfilled suburban housewife is propelled into a life of danger and adventure when…
Xiang Tingdong, heir to a prestigious medical family in Tangcheng, falls into a coma after an argument with his fiancée, Cheng Che. Desperate to save the family, Cheng Che seeks…
Through Everest, the yeti, Yi, Jin, and Peng know that there’s a whole magical world out there, and now it’s even closer than they think! When they discover that their…
The isolationist Akane Clan, composed of an all-girls body mainly consisting of young kunoichi in training, has a code to which they all must adhere: “As men are dangerous beings,…
It tells the story of a child who was kidnapped from a deep-rooted family and fell into the streets, and his struggle to reinvent himself after years later returning to…