In the aftermath of Bruce Wayne’s murder, his rebellious adopted son forges an unlikely alliance with the children of Batman’s enemies when they are all framed for killing the Caped…
During the reign of the Galactic Empire, former Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, embarks on a crucial mission to confront allies turned enemies and face the wrath of the Empire.
At the height of his career and powers, Japan’s master fixer, who has guided politicians and business heads through some of Japan’s biggest scandals, discovers that fixing his family is…
Pan Yan is a trainee lawyer of Rongke Law Firm. He and Shu Yinan, Zuo Na, and Zhu Xin Xin, who entered Rongke’s internship at the same time, encountered confusion…
The Man-Killer Virus: a lethal disease that has eradicated 99.9% of the world’s male population. Mizuhara Reito has been in cryogenic sleep for the past five years, leaving behind Tachibana…
In a world where magic reigns, Will Serfort can’t cast a spell. Though hardworking, Will’s classmates think less of him for it. However, he has a secret strength: his sword….