Despite their distinctive personalities, Souma Shiki, Hayate Ichikura, Shun Futami, and Takayuki Mima all have one thing in common: though naturally clumsy, the four disguise their embarrassment from tiny slip-ups…
CNN anchor Chris Wallace, one of the most highly-respected journalists of our time, moves outside of politics to explore his wide range of interests across the spectrum of news, sports,…
In 1995, seventeen-year-old Isabel Baker was murdered. The crime shocked the small town of Ashford and devastated Isabel’s Australian South Sea Islander community. The case was never solved, the killer…
A young man gets entangled in a kidnap-for-ransom situation. He offers the kidnappers all his hard-earned money to save the victim, believing that her wealthy Filipino-Chinese family could easily repay…
Inside a national weather service, love proves just as difficult to predict as rain or shine for a diligent forecaster and her free-spirited co-worker.
Set in the fictional town of Kamurocho, the story unfolds across two intersecting timelines—1995 and 2005. In 1995, four friends eager to escape their restrictive lives in an orphanage dive…
“Fabulous Beasts” shares the same world view as other works in the “Non-human” series. The characters are inspired by Pixiu and other Chinese traditional mythical beasts, with modern elements added…