The workplace comedy’s story follows a 26-year-old office worker named Momose. He recently changed jobs after his previous boss harassed him. He’s worried his new boss will also use power…
Guan Yu, who was a soldier, has a meticulous mind, rigorous style, and extremely hard physical and mental quality. He has solved numerous major and small cases. From a simple…
Tsuyoshi Mukohda, an ordinary salaryman, is suddenly transported to another world one day. The unique skill he gains upon arrival in this world is the seemingly useless “Online Grocery.” Mukohda…
Because of the death of her best friend, Xu Hongdou’s life and work falls into a slump. She goes to the “windy courtyard” in Yun Miao Village, Dali, to recuperate…
Justin Russo has chosen to lead a normal, mortal life with his family, Giada, Roman and Milo. But when Justin’s sister Alex brings Billie to his home seeking help, Justin…
Victor, Sofia, and Ada are three adolescents evolving in very different worlds: between a medical student unaware of the risks he poses to his faculty friend, a high school student…
An evil organization invades and destroys everything in its path. The brains of the brutal operation is the king’s right-hand man, an evil lieutenant named Mira. Everything changes when a…
Vanessa and Marilú decide to leave behind the messed-up world they come from and set out to beat the system no matter the consequences. But when they finally start to…
After tragically losing his wife, child psychiatrist Dr. Eli Adler encounters a troubled young boy who seems to have a haunting connection to Eli’s past.