The series follows the adventures of Ivandoe , the young prince of the forest whose father, The Mighty Stag, sends him on a quest for the magical Golden Feather of…
The Magical Kingdom of Klyrode summons hundreds of heroes from other worlds every year to fight in their war against the Dark One and his army of powerful demons. Banaza…
Ten years ago, Zhao Haiyang’s mistake during a manhunt led to the death of his mentor, Xia Hui. Now, Zhao is the Deputy Director of Dongzhou’s Public Security Bureau, while…
A Late Show with a strong identity that bears the name of Alessandro Cattelan: surprising interviews, monologues, music and guests who face all the challenges, even the most unlikely, but…
Cruz Manuelos, a rough-around-the-edges but passionate young Marine, is recruited to join the CIA’s Lioness Engagement Team to help bring down a terrorist organization from within. Joe, the station chief…
After Hiraku dies of a serious illness, God brings him back to life, gives his health and youth back, and sends him to a fantasy world of his choice. In…
A young man rises to be one of the biggest outlaws in the neighborhood while he navigates his way in life to survive in Quiapo. Hoping to earn the affection…
A group of Indian Forest Service officers, NGO workers, police constables and good samaritans risk their lives trying to track down the biggest elephant ivory poachers in the history of…
A group of kids join a secret agency where they learn to use the power of imagination to journey into the Dream World and create fantastic creations in order to…