In a world where humans coexist with androids called Neans, a group known as the Immortal Nine rises up against society. Tasked with disposing of the revolters, a Nean named…
Follow Grizz, Panda and Ice Bear – as their younger baby selves – traveling in a magical box to fantastic new worlds searching for a place to call home. Along…
A murder unintentionally witnessed by Farah, who had to flee her country and illegally struggle to survive with her son, and Tahir Lekesiz, whom she met on the same night,…
Jung Gyul Wool loses her vision and ability to walk because of her materialistic husband and his mistress. Despite her shortcomings, she hatches a plot to seek revenge.
When their latest heist goes wrong, three older female burglars evade officials by hiding out in a nursing home — where they uncover a sinister secret.
A CODA (child of deaf adult) student born with a gift for music crash lands at an unfamiliar place after time traveling through a suspicious music shop. There, he forms…
Alice, the great-granddaughter of the original Alice and a budding young baker at the enchanted Wonderland Bakery, where treats bring a new generation of characters together.