Medical drama series, local adaptation of the Korean scripted format “Dr. Romantic”, centering on a genius doctor with an accomplished career who somehow ends up leaving it all behind to…
Set in 1928, it tells the story of Wei Ruo Lai and his determination to courageously pursue his strong aspirations in serving his country. He regarded Shen Tu Nan, a…
Mai Chenghuan, a post-95 girl born into an ordinary family in Shanghai, agrees to marry her boyfriend, Xin Jialiang, under her mother’s urging. However, the economic gap between them creates…
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, a former East German spy resolves to find out who betrayed her and why — and use her lethal skills to exact revenge.
The story took place 20 years before the story of “Youth Song Xing”. Baili Dongjun, who later became the number one in the world, was still the only grandson of…
Unexpected changes bring Zhou Quan and Che Li’s happy ten-year marriage to a standstill, as one is suddenly laid off despite their talent while the other rushes to start a…
The telenovella ‘Milo’ is a modern musical fairy tale. The series tells the story of Milo, a very talented baker’s daughter with a golden voice, who is forced to hide…