The story revolves around two detectives who investigate mysterious incidents in a village. The drama will reinterpret those events and the characters in the book to match Korean sentiments and…
The main characters, Himari Aozora and Mitsuki Hoshikawa, enter Paradise Private Academy. Himari, who aspires for AIPRI, dreams of making 10,000 friends! But for the shy and anxious Himari, it…
Reiji and his wife joined their friends on a getaway to a traditional Japanese inn, hoping to conceive a child. However, their plans took an unexpected turn when Reiji was…
In his past life, he was known as Demon Lord Varvatos, an all-powerful magic user and ruler. But he was lonely after the loss of his friends and loved ones…
Love of My Life is a moving new drama that transcends romance and tackles issues like racial discrimination to tell an epic legend of forbidden love. Thus is born a…
Yuuichi Katagiri believes that friends are more important than money, but he also knows the hardships of not having enough funds. He works hard to save up in order to…
Korea’s most skilled divorce solver and an eccentric lawyer who provides solutions for troubled marriages, punishing unfaithful spouses in the process.