“Mystery in the Box” is an all-star immersive drama suspense variety show. Huang Lei serves as a variety show producer for the first time, creating a variety show version of…
Jun Shirosaki’s love life takes a wild turn when he finds himself caught between the Jinguji twins—his childhood friends who are as different as night and day. Rumi, the older…
When Bahar faces death, she will encounter another side of her family, especially her husband Timur, who seems ‘perfect’ from the outside. Bahar’s sudden illness will change all dynamics in…
The telenovella ‘Milo’ is a modern musical fairy tale. The series tells the story of Milo, a very talented baker’s daughter with a golden voice, who is forced to hide…
Diego de la Vega returns to California to avenge his father’s murder. After assuming the title of Zorro, he confronts the Governor, the malevolent leader of the Chinese community and…
The game began suddenly. It was “Tasuketsu,” a brutal survival game in which the majority is eliminated. In order to fight back against the immensely powerful emperor masterminding the game,…
First there was Father Brown. Now, say hello to Sister Boniface. This clever, moped-riding nun is the police’s secret weapon for solving murders in this divine Father Brown spin-off.
A revelatory reframing of American leadership through the lens of the First Ladies. Exploring everything from their journeys to Washington, family life, and world-changing political contributions, the impact of the…
An evil organization invades and destroys everything in its path. The brains of the brutal operation is the king’s right-hand man, an evil lieutenant named Mira. Everything changes when a…