Two well-established families get embroiled in a complicated struggle rooted in grief, anger, and a passionate desire for revenge. The husbands and wives set their elaborate plans in motion as…
One day, Mitsuha falls off a cliff and is transported to a medieval Europe–type world! After a near-death encounter with a pack of wolves, she then realizes that she’s able…
Twenty years after they were frozen, Abe, Cleo, JFK, and Joan suddenly find themselves thrust into the modern world, where they must navigate a fresh batch of historical clones, dramatic…
Tattooist Kant works as a spy for the police. When he’s tasked to investigate a pair of gunman brothers, he finds that one of them is a one-night stand he…
Twenty-somethings Clark Kent, the bright and driven Lois Lane, and their best friend Jimmy Olsen begin to discover who they are and everything they can accomplish together as an investigative…
The queen of the human tribe gave birth to twin girls. Respected by the entire tribe, the older sister Qing Kui, who is gentle and kind, is betrothed to the…
In the early Showa era, Japan’s first women’s law school opens, and the protagonist, Inotsume Tomoko (Ito Sairi), gains nationwide attention as one of the first female lawyers in the…
Gu Yi is a stand-up comedian in Shanghai who juggles a day job and nighttime performances. Her simple goal is to make everyone laugh, but one day she encounters an…
Five years after, Sky is reunited with her high school friends through Sanya and Kenjie’s engagement. However, things head south when Z suddenly disappears, with Sky and her loved ones…
Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan married at the age of 18. Li Rong used Pei Wenxuan’s family background to avoid disaster, and Pei Wenxuan used Li Rong’s identity as Princess…
At America’s only college for superheroes, gifted students put their moral boundaries to the test, competing for the university’s top ranking, and a chance to join The Seven, Vought International’s…