The story of the series follows Koinu, a serious-minded dog who goes to work one day only to find that his company has gone bankrupt. At a loss, Koinu takes…
Welcome to Ramen Akaneko, a restaurant run solely by cats. That is, until a human named Tamako Yashiro interviews for a job. Oddly enough, her candor about being a dog…
Disguised under the shadows of a mask, a crew of desperados band together under the leadership of a criminal mastermind known only as “The Professor” to pull off the biggest…
With their old hideout and bosses wiped out, the surviving Dusters make a secret agreement with the Ranger Force to engage in the weekly Sunday Showdown – one where they…
“Mystery in the Box” is an all-star immersive drama suspense variety show. Huang Lei serves as a variety show producer for the first time, creating a variety show version of…
In this edgy, irreverent reimagining of the TV classic, a new generation of the Evans family keeps their heads above water in a Chicago housing project.
A whip-smart doctor comes to the U.S. for a medical treatment to save her ailing son. But when the system fails and pushes her into hiding, she refuses to be…
The story of how the young Queen Charlotte’s marriage to King George sparked both a great love story and a societal shift, creating the world of the Ton inherited by…
Tongrak is a writer of popular romance novels. While travelling in search of inspiration for his most recent novel, he meets an irritating southern Thai man, Mahasamut. When they end…
Yuki Itose is just a typical student dealing with the pressures of college. She is struggling one day on the train when an upperclassman named Itsuomi Nagi helps her out….
Set between the Kamakura and Muromachi periods, during the Kenmu Restoration, the story follows the tale of Hojo Tokiyuki, a boy on the run after his family is overthrown by…