Despite their distinctive personalities, Souma Shiki, Hayate Ichikura, Shun Futami, and Takayuki Mima all have one thing in common: though naturally clumsy, the four disguise their embarrassment from tiny slip-ups…
In this world, creatures like vampires and werewolves still walk about, but Aya Rindo can’t say the same for herself. This beautiful disembodied head, carried by her maid Shizuku Hasei,…
The Electric Mayhem Band goes on an epic musical journey to finally record their first studio album. With the help of a driven young music executive, Nora, the old-school Muppet…
The story of Bass Reeves, the legendary lawman of the wild West, is brought to life. Reeves worked in the post-Reconstruction era as a federal peace officer in the Indian…
When Ty Turner uproots his life to reunite with his high school sweetheart, Rachel Raskin, in the colorful town of Dimmsdale, his cautious 13-year-old daughter Vivian is thrust into a…
Suddenly, Fei Xingkong and Si Rui discovered that they were confined to a comic book cage. Their desire was to return to the real world. But in the world of…
Jason Dessen is abducted into an alternate version of his life. To get back to his true family, he embarks on a harrowing journey to save them from the most…
In the chaotic early years of the Republic of China, Jiangcheng is plagued by mysterious cases. Qin Huole, freshly returned from abroad, joins forces with Detective Captain Song He and…
The series, full of intrigue, love, tension and excitement, tells the shocking story of Şebnem, who came to life with great injustices, worked hard to overcome them, did what was…
Old schoolmates Haru and Gaku will do anything to achieve success. And success to them means earning a trillion dollars! But to do so, they’ll need to take full advantage…
When a tormented pianist is struck by lightning, he begins having perilous visions of his future and a deadly threat seems to loom over his loved ones.