“Mystery in the Box” is an all-star immersive drama suspense variety show. Huang Lei serves as a variety show producer for the first time, creating a variety show version of…
Carmy, a young fine-dining chef, comes home to Chicago to run his family sandwich shop. As he fights to transform the shop and himself, he works alongside a rough-around-the-edges crew…
Ji Xing, a technical talent who works diligently in a technology company, resigned resolutely in order to realize her dream and embarked on the road of entrepreneurship. The team formed…
Men Ke, an office worker and corporate slave, spent the first half of her life so bored that she questioned her existence. In the second half, however, she faces a…
Percy Jackson is on a dangerous quest. Outrunning monsters and outwitting gods, he must journey across America to return Zeus’ master bolt and stop an all-out war. With the help…
Great is a university student from the Business Administrative faculty and the son of a wealthy business owner. Out of the blue, he gains the supernatural power to foresee the…