The story is set in a secluded realm where deities and mortals both dwell. A youth named Ichiyō sets out to capture the gods who have fled and scattered all…
A girl inherits a large treasure from her father and finds herself surrounded by many problems and people who covet it. She strives hard to confront them and falls in…
Reena Virk, a fourteen-year-old girl, went to join friends at a party and never returned home. Seven teenage girls and a boy were accused of the savage murder.
Despite their opposing personalities, a talented but directionless P.I. who is the black sheep of his family begrudgingly agrees to work as the in-house investigator for his overbearing mother, a…
Follow the adventures and misadventures of newly 14-year-old Penny Proud and her family as they navigate modern life with hilarity and heart. The 2020s bring a new career for mom…
Analyn is a genius who was born poor and raised by her illiterate and sickly mother. She graduates from high school at the age of 12 and dreams of becoming…
Ben returns to his mysterious hometown of Moresnet after the death of his father. Together with his childhood friends, he digs up an old time capsule and discovers the diary…