The story of the series follows Koinu, a serious-minded dog who goes to work one day only to find that his company has gone bankrupt. At a loss, Koinu takes…
In 1943 Shanghai, an explosion leads to a showdown between Communist undercover agent Lu Zhengyang and former police officer Lin Shaobai. Six years later, Lu Zhengyang, now a key member…
Li Qianjin, facing family hardships, wishes to change her fate and unexpectedly travels back to 1998. Determined to help her father start a business and bring her parents closer together,…
A mischievous girl guides a tsundere, embarking on a journey through challenges to create a new world filled with love. Along the way, they level up by capturing demons and…
The clever and decisive Liu Miantang, as the first lord of Mount Yang, led the people of Mount Yang to punish the wicked, promote goodness, and uphold justice. However, she…
Worried about her reputation, Hime covers shifts for a cafe manager she accidentally injures to maintain her picture-perfect princess image. But this cafe has a peculiar theme—private school. To put…
Takumi, a gifted chef, just landed a new job. He works at the Astro Manor apartment building that offers breakfast, and there he encounters the beautiful landlady—Mira. It’s love at…